[Howto] Pay $5 for Tuts+ Premium 1 year + New Relic T-Shirt

Tuts+ Premium is a website you can learn creative and technical technology skill such as Web Development, Photoshop, Web Designers, Mobile Development, illustrators and etc. . Tuts+ cooperation with New Relic that who deploy monitor app will get Tuts+ Premium 1 year membership ($180) and New 1 Relic t-shirt for free

1. Sign up on New Relic

Sign up New Relic account via this link http://newrelic.com/lp/tuts-premium?utm_source=TUTS&utm_medium=promotion&utm_content=nettutspost&utm_campaign=tutspromotion&mpc=PM-TUTS-generic-en-100-tutspremium-nettutspost#signup and confirm account in your email


2. Sign up DigitalOcean and pay $5

Sign up DigitalOcean account via this link https://cloud.digitalocean.com/registrations/new and pay $5 for credit via Paypal or Credit Card

3. Create Droplet

DigitalOcean is Cloud Hosting Server provider

Create-> Name Hostname-> Select Size 20Gb  -> Select region whatever you want ->Select Image’s Applications tab choose the first LAMP on Ubuntu -> Create Droplet

Console Access on Droplet

On the left panel select Droplets -> Select Droplet what you created -> Access -> Console Access (take a few minutes) -> type login “root” and password in your email

5. Create Monitor on Newrelic

Login at New Relic. In the left  panel select Application then 1. Select PHP 2. Click Reveal your license key 3. Select Debian base ,then you will get as image below


5. Type command !

Type all command in section 3 in Droplet’s Console Access

6. Last

Click “Connect to my Application” in New Relic and wait for a few minute. If New Relic and Droplet connected, you will get emails for Tuts+ premium 1 year and Free New Relic t-shirt.Then you can redeem them from link in an email

PS. After use Droplets remember to Power Off/Destroy then you will have credit for play a lot of thing 😀

PS2. If you have your server.You can skip DigitalOcean and use your server instead

15 day challenge January

I have seen 30 days challenge from TED Talk (forget url). Then i want to start my challenge too.
1. Don’t put sugar in food much than 1/2 spoon

2. Don’t eat supper (after 20.00)

3. Don’t eat oily rice if want to eat fried-pork

4. Excerise at least 10 minutes except Sunday.


PS. 14/1/56 60 kg

Why we choose to study at famous university ?

Today I had conversation about university, where you want to study, with my friends. Someone tell choose first university, where you pass the entrance exam. I don’t argue it, if first university you passed the entrance exam is top five university in your country or sure you can’t reach to better university. Someone tell choose top five university in country to study. Yes I recommend it, because top five university have more opportunity in all aspect, such as i know someone who can apply to MIT. He have chance to intern with Dropbox, exactly if he study in others university he won’t have it.

Finally I recommend choose top five university if you can reach to them. Although you will tired, you should try try and try and when that day come, you will be imbued that you tired.

PS. “Why you choose study at famous high school,instead of school where near your home.”